Awards & Honors
Award | Conferred By | Date |
Eprognosis awarded Product of the Decade | Reynolds Foundation | 2016/2016 |
PDIA National Leadership Award | Project on Death in America | 2014/2014 |
Research Mentor of the Year | Medical Students in Aging Research | 2013/2013 |
Paul Beeson Career Development Award In Geriatrics | American Federation for Aging Research/NIA | 2012/2017 |
Top Reviewer | Annals of Internal Medicine | 2012/2012 |
One of "50 Best Medical Professors on Twitter" | | 2012/2012 |
Best Paper of the Year Award | Society of General Internal Medicine | 2012/2012 |
Greenwall Faculty Scholar in Bioethics | Greenwall Foundation | 2010/2014 |
Outstanding Resident Mentor Award | Brigham and Women's Hospital | 2004/2005 |
Phi Beta Kappa | University of Michigan | 1996 |
Institution | Degree | Dept or School | End Date |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | Fellowship | General Internal Medicine | 2008 |
Brigham and Women's Hospital/Dana Farber Cancer Institute | Fellowship | Palliative Medicine | 2006 |
Brigham and Women's Hospital | Residency | Primary Care Internal Medicine | 2005 |
Harvard University | MPH | School of Public Health | 2005 |
University of California, San Francisco | M.D. | Medicine | 2002 |
University of California, Berkeley | M.S. | School of Public Health | 1999 |
University of Michigan | BS | Cellular and Molecular Biology | 1996 |
Collaboration Interests
I am interested in:
- physician scientist
Grants and Funding
- Prognostic Indices for Hospitalized Older Adults with and without Alzheimer?s Disease and Related Dementias | NIH | 2023-09-01 - 2028-05-31 | Role: PI (MPI mechanism)
- Meaningful Activities and Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias | NIH | 2020-09-15 - 2025-04-30 | Role: Principal Investigator
- Research Training in Geriatric Medicine | NIH | 1991-09-01 - 2023-04-30 | Role: Principal Investigator
- Prognostic calculators for patients with Alzheimers disease and related dementias | NIH/NIA | 2018-08-15 - 2022-04-30 | Role: PI
- Prognostic calculators for patients with Alzheimers disease and related dementias | NIH | 2018-08-15 - 2022-04-30 | Role: Co-Principal Investigator
- Developing prognostic models for life expectancy and geriatric outcomes | NIH | 2015-05-15 - 2020-01-31 | Role: Principal Investigator
- P0045982 Late Life Disability: Epidemiology, Symptoms, Quality of Life | NIH | 2012-09-01 - 2017-11-30 | Role: Principal Investigator
- Controlled Trials of "Palliative Care"-Where Do We Go from Here?| | PubMed
- Mortality and Function After Hip Fracture or Pneumonia in People With and Without Dementia.| | PubMed
- Cognitive Trajectory Before and After Cataract Surgery: A Population-Based Approach.| | PubMed
- "I Aim to Fulfill My Promise": Dementia Caregiving from the Perspective of Spouses and Partners.| | PubMed
- Should Artificial Intelligence Provide Input in End-of-Life Decision-Making?-Reply.| | PubMed
- External Validation of the Walter Index for Posthospitalization Mortality Prediction in Older Adults.| | PubMed
- Associations of frailty with survival, hospitalization, functional decline, and toxicity among older adults with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.| | PubMed
- Unclear Trajectory and Uncertain Benefit: Creating a Lexicon for Clinical Uncertainty in Patients with Critical or Advanced Illness Using a Delphi Consensus Process.| | PubMed
- Variation in Mentions of Race and Ethnicity in Notes in Intensive Care Units Across a Health Care System.| | PubMed
- The prevalence of lifetime trauma and association with physical and psychosocial health among adults at the end of life.| | PubMed
- Function, cognition, and quality of life among older adults with lung cancer who live alone: A prospective cohort study.| | PubMed
- Mortality and Function After Widowhood Among Older Adults With Dementia, Cancer, or Organ Failure.| | PubMed
- Can Artificial Intelligence Speak for Incapacitated Patients at the End of Life?| | PubMed
- "My Mom Is a Fighter": A Qualitative Analysis of the Use of Combat Metaphors in ICU Clinician Notes.| | PubMed
- Music Engagement as Part of Everyday Life in Dementia Caregiving Relationships at Home.| | PubMed
- Prognoses Associated With Palliative Performance Scale Scores in Modern Palliative Care Practice.| | PubMed
- Prevalence and Sociodemographic Correlates of Chronic Pain Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Older Adults in the United States.| | PubMed
- Resilience, Survival, and Functional Independence in Older Adults Facing Critical Illness.| | PubMed
- Psychosocial distress among spouses of persons with dementia before and after their partner's death.| | PubMed
- The National Prevalence of Supplemental Oxygen Use in Persons with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Comparison of Claims-based and Self-reported Supplemental Oxygen Use.| | PubMed
- Happy 50th birthday to the National Institute on Aging: Where would geriatric medicine and care of older adults be without you?| | PubMed
- "Relationships, Very Quickly, Turn to Nothing": Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Adaptation to Changing Social Lives Among Persons Living With Dementia and Care Partners.| | PubMed
- REGAINing the Freedom to Choose Insensibility for Hip Fracture Surgery.| | PubMed
- A Tale of 2 Palliative Care Trials: Developing Sustainable and Transferable Models.| | PubMed
- Long-term cognitive outcome after elective hip or knee total joint arthroplasty: A population-based observational study.| | PubMed
- Measuring Implicit Bias in ICU Notes Using Word-Embedding Neural Network Models.| | PubMed
- Chronic Pain and Pain Management in Older Adults: Protocol and Pilot Results.| | PubMed
- Development and External Validation of Models to Predict Need for Nursing Home Level of Care in Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Dementia.| | PubMed
- The Natural History of Disability and Caregiving Before and After Long-Term Care Entry.| | PubMed
- Around the EQUATOR with Clin-STAR: Prediction modeling opportunities and challenges in aging research.| | PubMed
- The Maelstrom of Medications-Optimization of Prescribing During the Course of Dementia.| | PubMed
- Negativity and Positivity in the ICU: Exploratory Development of Automated Sentiment Capture in the Electronic Health Record.| | PubMed
- Estimating population impact of state triage policies restricting healthcare access for older adults with chronic conditions.| | PubMed
- The Role of Digital Technologies in Facilitating Psychosocial Resilience to Sudden Social Isolation Among Older Adults: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic.| | PubMed
- Triage Procedures for Critical Care Resource Allocation During Scarcity.| | PubMed
- Disparities in advance care planning among older US immigrants.| | PubMed
- Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on meaningful activity engagement in racially and ethnically diverse older adults.| | PubMed
- Improving Clinical Applicability of Mortality Prediction Models Among Persons With Dementia-Reply.| | PubMed
- Hospice Quality, Race, and Disenrollment in Hospice Enrollees With Dementia.| | PubMed
- 'It was a great brain, and I miss it': lay perspectives on postoperative cognitive dysfunction.| | PubMed
- Factors Associated With the Place of Death in Huntington Disease: Analysis of Enroll-HD.| | PubMed
- Preoperative Factors Predict Memory Decline After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting or Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in an Epidemiological Cohort of Older Adults.| | PubMed
- Functional and clinical needs of older hospice enrollees with coexisting dementia.| | PubMed
- End-of-life health care use among socially isolated and cognitively impaired older adults.| | PubMed
- Development and External Validation of a Mortality Prediction Model for Community-Dwelling Older Adults With Dementia.| | PubMed
- The epidemiology of preexisting geriatric and palliative conditions in older adults with poor prognosis cancers.| | PubMed
- Change is coming: Efforts to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.| | PubMed
- Change in four measures of physical function among older adults during lung cancer treatment: A mixed methods cohort study.| | PubMed
- A comprehensive prognostic tool for older adults: Predicting death, ADL disability, and walking disability simultaneously.| | PubMed
- Pain, Analgesic Use, and Patient Satisfaction With Spinal Versus General Anesthesia for Hip Fracture Surgery : A Randomized Clinical Trial.| | PubMed
- A national study of disenrollment from hospice among people with dementia.| | PubMed
- Older refugees are struggling.| | PubMed
- Life expectancy for community-dwelling persons with dementia and severe disability.| | PubMed
- Should we still believe in advance care planning?| | PubMed
- Strategies for discussing long-term prognosis when deciding on cancer screening for adults over age 75.| | PubMed
- Long-term functional outcomes and mortality after hospitalization for extracranial hemorrhage.| | PubMed
- A single question assessment of loneliness in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A nationally-representative study.| | PubMed
- Incidence of potentially disruptive medical and social events in older adults with and without dementia.| | PubMed
- "You have to be sure that the patient has the full picture": Adaptation of the Best Case/Worst Case communication tool for geriatric oncology.| | PubMed
- Trends in Geriatric Conditions Among Older Adults Admitted to US ICUs Between 1998 and 2015.| | PubMed
- "I Didn't Sign Up for This": Perspectives from Persons Living with Dementia and Care Partners on Challenges, Supports, and Opportunities to Add Geriatric Neuropalliative Care to Dementia Specialty Care.| | PubMed
- Use of High-risk Medications Among Lonely Older Adults: Results From a Nationally Representative Sample.| | PubMed
- Changes in older adults' life space during lung cancer treatment: A mixed methods cohort study.| | PubMed
- A peer intervention reduces loneliness and improves social well-being in low-income older adults: A mixed-methods study.| | PubMed
- Meaningful Activities and Sources of Meaning for Community-Dwelling People Living with Dementia.| | PubMed
- The epidemiology of social isolation and loneliness among older adults during the last years of life.| | PubMed
- Virtual Interinstitutional Palliative Care Consultation during the COVID-19 Pandemic in New York City.| | PubMed
- Association of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting vs Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Memory Decline in Older Adults Undergoing Coronary Revascularization.| | PubMed
- Pre-estimating subsets: A new approach for unavailable predictors in prognostic modeling.| | PubMed
- Availability of Palliative Care in Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals.| | PubMed
- A Novel Metric for Developing Easy-to-Use and Accurate Clinical Prediction Models: The Time-cost Information Criterion.| | PubMed
- Engagement in Meaningful Activities Among Older Adults With Disability, Dementia, and Depression.| | PubMed
- Individualizing Surveillance Mammography for Older Patients After Treatment for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and International Society of Geriatric Oncology Consensus Statement.| | PubMed
- Patient Factors Associated With Parathyroidectomy in Older Adults With Primary Hyperparathyroidism.| | PubMed
- Variation in COVID-19 Mortality Across 117 US Hospitals in High- and Low-Burden Settings.| | PubMed
- A Novel Method for Identifying a Parsimonious and Accurate Predictive Model for Multiple Clinical Outcomes.| | PubMed
- Long-term individual and population functional outcomes in older adults with atrial fibrillation.| | PubMed
- Evaluation of Time to Benefit of Statins for the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Adults Aged 50 to 75 Years: A Meta-analysis.| | PubMed
- A fuller picture of COVID-19 prognosis: the added value of vulnerability measures to predict mortality in hospitalised older adults.| | PubMed
- The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: New Leadership and New Features.| | PubMed
- Long-term individual and population functional outcomes in older adults with atrial fibrillation.| | PubMed
- Long-term individual and population functional outcomes in older adults with atrial fibrillation.| | PubMed
- Palliative Care for Patients With Noncancer Illnesses.| | PubMed
- Social Isolation and Loneliness Among San Francisco Bay Area Older Adults During the COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Orders.| | PubMed
- Family Meetings on Behalf of Patients with Serious Illness.| | PubMed
- A Strategy to Prepare Primary Care Clinicians for Discussing Stopping Cancer Screening With Adults Older Than 75 Years.| | PubMed
- Pandemic Palliative Care Consultations Spanning State and Institutional Borders.| | PubMed
- During COVID-19, Outpatient Advance Care Planning Is Imperative: We Need All Hands on Deck.| | PubMed
- Transforming Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Dementia through Music and Filmmaking.| | PubMed
- Integration of an Objective Cognitive Assessment Into a Prognostic Index for 5-Year Mortality Prediction.| | PubMed
- Patterns and Trends in Advance Care Planning Among Older Adults Who Received Intensive Care at the End of Life.| | PubMed
- Scripts and Strategies for Discussing Stopping Cancer Screening with Adults > 75 Years: a Qualitative Study.| | PubMed
- Palliative Care in the Nursing Home-Shifting Paradigms.| | PubMed
- "Now I Write Songs": Growth and Reciprocity After Long-Term Nursing Home Placement.| | PubMed
- Key Ingredients of an Ideal System for High-Quality Community Care for Persons With Dementia.| | PubMed
- Who Becomes a High Utilizer? A Case-Control Study of Older Adults in the USA.| | PubMed
- Social Support and Patterns of Institutionalization Among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study.| | PubMed
- 10-Minute Targeted Geriatric Assessment Predicts Disability and Hospitalization in Fast-Paced Acute Care Settings.| | PubMed
- Rehabbed to Death: Breaking the Cycle.| | PubMed
- Care Settings and Clinical Characteristics of Older Adults with Moderately Severe Dementia.| | PubMed
- Ethical Challenges in Caring for Unrepresented Adults: A Qualitative Study of Key Stakeholders.| | PubMed
- Who Will Care for the Caregivers? Increased Needs When Caring for Frail Older Adults With Cancer.| | PubMed
- Making and Measuring an Impact in a Digital World: The Role of Social Media and the Medical Journal.| | PubMed
- A Case for n-of-1 Trials.| | PubMed
- Active Medical Management for Patients With Advanced Kidney Disease.| | PubMed
- Rehabbed to Death.| | PubMed
- Models and Studies of Aging: Executive Summary of a Report from the U13 Conference Series.| | PubMed
- Hearing Loss: Effect on Hospice and Palliative Care Through the Eyes of Practitioners.| | PubMed
- Cognitive Change After Cardiac Surgery Versus Cardiac Catheterization: A Population-Based Study.| | PubMed
- High Symptom Burden in Older Adults: A Clarion Call for Geriatrics and Palliative Care Research and Training.| | PubMed
- Assessing Risk for Adverse Outcomes in Older Adults: The Need to Include Both Physical Frailty and Cognition.| | PubMed
- "Planting the Seed": Perceived Benefits of and Strategies for Discussing Long-Term Prognosis with Older Adults.| | PubMed
- 'Til Death Do Us Part: End-of-Life Experiences of Married Couples in a Nationally Representative Survey.| | PubMed
- Pain and Emergency Department Use in the Last Month of Life Among Older Adults With Dementia.| | PubMed
- Relationship Between Expectation of Death and Location of Death Varies by Race/Ethnicity.| | PubMed
- Should We Bury "The Good Death"?| | PubMed
- Secondary Analysis of Existing Datasets for Dementia and Palliative Care Research: High-Value Applications and Key Considerations.| | PubMed
- Serving the Very Sick, Very Frail, and Very Old: Geriatrics, Palliative Care, and Clinical Ethics| | UCSF Research Profile
- Prognosis Communication in Late-Life Disability: A Mixed Methods Study.| | PubMed
- Association Between Persistent Pain and Memory Decline and Dementia in a Longitudinal Cohort of Elders.| | PubMed
- Survival, Functional Status, and Eating Ability After Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tube Placement for Acute Stroke.| | PubMed
- Difficulty Managing Medications and Finances in Older Adults: A 10-year Cohort Study.| | PubMed
- Serving the Very Sick, Very Frail, and Very Old: Geriatrics, Palliative Care, and Clinical Ethics.| | PubMed
- Sense of Control in End-of-Life Decision-Making.| | PubMed
- Low Completion and Disparities in Advance Care Planning Activities Among Older Medicare Beneficiaries.| | PubMed
- Prevalence and Outcomes of Breathlessness in Older Adults: A National Population Study.| | PubMed
- High Levels of Geriatric Palliative Care Needs in Hip Fracture Patients Before the Hip Fracture.| | PubMed
- Self-Reported Hearing in the Last 2 Years of Life in Older Adults.| | PubMed
- One-Year Mortality After Hip Fracture: Development and Validation of a Prognostic Index.| | PubMed
- "If You Don't Know, All of a Sudden, They're Gone": Caregiver Perspectives About Prognostic Communication for Disabled Elderly Adults.| | PubMed
- How U.S. Doctors Die: A Cohort Study of Healthcare Use at the End of Life.| | PubMed
- Discussing Long-term Prognosis in Primary Care: Hard but Necessary.| | PubMed
- California's End of Life Option Act: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead.| | PubMed
- Hearing Loss in Hospice and Palliative Care: A National Survey of Providers.| | PubMed
- Dealing with Racist Patients.| | PubMed
- "Everyone else gets ice cream here more often than I do--It burns me up"--Perspectives on Diabetes Care from Nursing Home Residents and their Doctors.| | PubMed
- Subjective, Objective, and Observed Long-term Survival: A Longitudinal Cohort Study.| | PubMed
- Increase in Disability Prevalence Before Hip Fracture.| | PubMed
- Pain in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Dementia: Results from the National Health and Aging Trends Study.| | PubMed
- Tools to Promote Shared Decision Making in Serious Illness: A Systematic Review.| | PubMed
- "It Just Consumes Your Life": Quality of Life for Informal Caregivers of Diverse Older Adults With Late-Life Disability.| | PubMed
- Hearing loss in palliative care.| | PubMed
- Discrimination in Healthcare Settings is Associated with Disability in Older Adults: Health and Retirement Study, 2008-2012.| | PubMed
- Viewing Hospice Decision Making as a Process.| | PubMed
- Pain behind bars: the epidemiology of pain in older jail inmates in a county jail.| | PubMed
- Usefulness and effect of online prognostic calculators.| | PubMed
- Leveraging the health and retirement study to advance palliative care research.| | PubMed
- Elder self-neglect--how can a physician help?| | PubMed
- Disability during the last two years of life.| | PubMed
- Opening it up for more questions: racial disparities in hospice use.| | PubMed
- When previously expressed wishes conflict with best interests.| | PubMed
- Uncertainty--the other side of prognosis.| | PubMed
- The diverse landscape of palliative care clinics.| | PubMed
- Palliative care: an approach for all internists: comment on "Early palliative care in advanced lung cancer: a qualitative study".| | PubMed
- Advance care planning and the quality of end-of-life care in older adults.| | PubMed
- Every patient is an individual: clinicians balance individual factors when discussing prognosis with diverse frail elderly adults.| | PubMed
- Perceptions of successful aging among diverse elders with late-life disability.| | PubMed
- Use of the Medicare posthospitalization skilled nursing benefit in the last 6 months of life.| | PubMed
- The problem with actually tattooing DNR across your chest.| | PubMed
- Half of older Americans seen in emergency department in last month of life; most admitted to hospital, and many die there.| | PubMed
- Quality of life in late-life disability: "I don't feel bitter because I am in a wheelchair".| | PubMed
- Prognostic indices for older adults: a systematic review.| | PubMed
- Discussing overall prognosis with the very elderly.| | PubMed
- "Knowing is better": preferences of diverse older adults for discussing prognosis.| | PubMed
- "Her husband doesn't speak much English": conducting a family meeting with an interpreter.| | PubMed
- Conducting high-value secondary dataset analysis: an introductory guide and resources.| | PubMed
- The epidemiology of pain during the last 2 years of life.| | PubMed
- African Americans and end-of-life care #204.| | PubMed
- Length of stay for older adults residing in nursing homes at the end of life.| | PubMed
- Update in palliative medicine.| | PubMed
- Emergency department experiences of acutely symptomatic patients with terminal illness and their family caregivers.| | PubMed
- Outpatient palliative care practices.| | PubMed
- The death of Ivan Ilyich and pain relief at the end of life.| | PubMed
- Crying: experiences and attitudes of third-year medical students and interns.| | PubMed
- Palliative care for Latino patients and their families: whenever we prayed, she wept.| | PubMed
- Racial and ethnic differences in end-of-life care in fee-for-service Medicare beneficiaries with advanced cancer.| | PubMed
- Am I doing the right thing? Provider perspectives on improving palliative care in the emergency department.| | PubMed
- Racial and ethnic differences in advance care planning among patients with cancer: impact of terminal illness acknowledgment, religiousness, and treatment preferences.| | PubMed
- Racial/ethnic disparities in liver transplant surgery and hospice use: parallels, differences, and unanswered questions.| | PubMed
- Differences in the quality of the patient-physician relationship among terminally ill African-American and white patients: impact on advance care planning and treatment preferences.| | PubMed
- On being fired: experiences of patient-initiated termination of the patient-physician relationship in palliative medicine.| | PubMed
- Resident approaches to advance care planning on the day of hospital admission.| | PubMed
- CT and MRI of retroperitoneal edema associated with large uterine leiomyomas.| | PubMed
- Formation of transient complexes in the glutamate dehydrogenase catalyzed reaction.| | PubMed
- Coronary vascular and myocardial responses to carotid body stimulation in the dog.| | PubMed